
21 May

2023 ACPA Conference Flyer



Wednesday 6 – Thursday 7 September

Perth, Australia


 Speaking with the heart 

“The truth in love” (Eph 4:15) 

In a historical period marked by polarisations and contrasts — to which unfortunately not even the ecclesial community is immune — the commitment to communicating “with open heart and arms” does not pertain exclusively to those in the field of communications; it is everyone’s responsibility. We are all called to seek and to speak the truth and to do so with charity. We Christians in particular are continually urged to keep our tongue from evil (cf. Ps 34:13), because as Scripture teaches us, with the same tongue we can bless the Lord and curse men and women who were made in the likeness of God (cf. Jas 3:9). No evil word should come from our mouths, but rather “only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear” (Eph 4:29).Pope Francis’ World Communications Day Message, 2023 

The Australasian Catholic Press Association invites all Catholic communications and media professionals across Australia and the Pacific to the 2023 annual Conference in Perth, Western Australia – the first conference in Perth since 2004. 

This year’s theme, Speaking with the Heart, the Truth in Love (Eph 4:15) comes from Pope Francis’ 2023 World Communications Day Message. 

This year, the ACPA Conference will aim to guide participants in how we, as Catholic communications professionals, can listen, speak, and communicate with heart, proposing, not imposing ourselves, lovingly opening our hearts and minds to understand the profound meaning of what has happened, and to tell that story in the creative ways that we do. 

As Pope Francis explains, communicating in a cordial manner means that those who read or listen to us are led to welcome our participation in the joys, fears, hopes and suffering of the women and men of our time. Those who speak in this way, he notes, love the other because they care and protect their freedom without violating it. 

The 2023 conference will be held at Rendevous Scarborough, 25 minutes from Perth city. This year’s conference will include a tour of the Swan Valley, and the conference Mass will be held at St Mary’s Cathedral.The Awards Dinner will be held at The Westin in the heart of Perth. 

We look forward to gathering together as Catholic communicators, as colleagues and as missionary disciples charged with spreading the Good News with truth and love. 

Full program and more information coming, soon!

DOWNLOAD: 2023 ACPA Conference flyer



Register online via 


Accomodation for three nights (Tuesday – Thursday) and the Awards Dinner. 

Note: Tuesday and Wednesday’s Dinners are not included in the price.

Additional accomodation at the special ACPA Conference rates are available upon request. 

Please advise if you require an invoice to make payment. 

Registrations will be accepted from all Catholic communications and media professionals with member and non-member rates available. 

For more information, please contact Jamie O’Brien

All Bookings close Friday 25 August 2023.

EARLY BIRD BOOKINGS close 11.59PM WST Friday 30 June 2023.