With the current situation unlikely to improve in the coming weeks, the ACPA Executive has taken the unfortunate decision to cancel the 2021 ACPA Conference that was to be held... Continue Reading
The details of the 2021 ACPA Conference and Awards are currently being finalised. After 2020’s conference and awards cancellation due to COVID, everyone is keen to gather again. With this... Continue Reading
Former ACPA President Annie Carrett was the special guest speaker at the Australasian Catholic Press Association Awards Dinner in Bathurst on Thursday 12 September. Following her talk, ACPA President Michael... Continue Reading
The Good Oil, the e-newsletter published by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, received the Bishop Kennedy Award for Overall Excellence in a Catholic Publication at the Australasian Catholic Press... Continue Reading
Australasian Catholic Press Association members met at Rydges Mount Panorama in Bathurst for our annual conference from 10 to 12 September. The conference began on 10 September with the AGM,... Continue Reading
The details of the 2019 ACPA Conference and Awards are currently being finalised. 10th to 12th of September 2019 Conference Location: Rydges Mount Panorama, Bathurst Registration and AGM Tuesday 10th... Continue Reading
ACPA was pleased to induct two new Life Members at the 2018 ACPA Awards on 5 September – Fr John Jegorow and Ms Jane Favotto. Our ACPA archivist and fellow... Continue Reading
Address by Catholic News Service Director Greg Erlandson at the Australasian Catholic Communications Congress in Brisbane, 5 September 2018. Thank you for this great honour of speaking with you at... Continue Reading